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Integrated NASA Biological Open Science Databases

NASA Open Science Data Repositories expands scientists' access to space-related experiments that explore the biological response of terrestrial biology to spaceflight environments. Our mission is to maximize the utilization of the valuable biological research resources and enable new discoveries.

To enable data accessibility, interoperability, and reusability of biological data from space-related experiments NASA integrated two biological databases, Ames Life Sciences Data Archive (ALSDA) and GeneLab, into a centralized data system. The Ames Life Sciences Data Archive (ALSDA) is the official repository of non-human science data spanning a broad range of biological levels involving data from tissues, organs, whole organisms, physiology, and behavior. GeneLab is an open science multi-omics repository hosting transcriptomics, metagenomics, epigenomics, proteomics, and metabolomics data. Studies comprise of data from model organisms including microbes, plants, fruit flies, rodents and humans. In addition, the data repository includes metadata searches across several external omics database.

To explore the data, use the key word search bar or filter search options to navigate and access the various datasets. Users can use the filters to access several data types including:

Screenshot of the OPen Science Data Repository Search Page

The new user interface allows easy search capabilities, descriptive metadata for each data type, and files for available for download. In addition, data types are linked across each page allowing users to have navigate across common fields.

As user navigate through the various data types, they will find the research data and results under Study. Studies contain detailed metadata about the investigation, samples and assay tables (including characteristics, factors, parameters, and protocols), associated publications and downloadable open format data files. New study identifiers OSD’s ,Open Science Data, have been assigned to each study to enable linkage across multiple assay types: ALSDA (LSDS) and/or GeneLab (GLDS).

Screenshot of a sample data record page in the data repository

The data repository and submission portal has incorporated the FAIR principles making data findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable. Check out the new user interface and explore the latest data in spaceflight!

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